Here we go! It’s time for the show! Tier 4 is where the big guns come out to play and they are playing for keeps! Get it? Keeps? Yeah, sorry, I was in Beta for a long time. Tier 4 is the big battleground that sits at the top of WAR’s RvR experience. It is here that the biggest battles will take place as both sides try and push through to the capitals for the fabulous cash and prizes within.
Wait a minute though before you go willy-nilly all over the place. When you enter Tier 4 you are sitting around thirty and you may run into bunches of power-gamers who have not slept in weeks and already maxed their Rank at 40 and their Renown Rank at 80. They have more toys than Donald Trump and all they have to do is glance at a thirty to one-shot him. What are you going to do?
Well here I think I should finally bring up the Bolster buff. This will likely stay through retail since it is a rather clever way of evening the playing field without having to spend another couple of years tweaking the stats for everything to the umpteenth digit very far to the right of the decimal point. Basically as long as you are the minimum rank for that Tier all you have to do is enter the RvR area to be “buffed” up to a higher rank.
Now this does not give you a bunch of extra abilities. All it does is adjust the stats of your abilities, etc, etc… up to a higher rank. Currently 6, 16, 26, and 36 you will lose this buff as soon as you exit the RvR area even though the RvR Flag may hang over your head for another ten minutes. Of course there is no debuff so if you are higher than that already you won’t lose rank. So while this does not even the playing field it does go a long way towards at least giving you a chance to survive and contribute. Now the last few Chapters, 15-22, are in Tier 4 so there is plenty of Questing and Public Questing in PvE to do but the biggest battles will be happening in the “large” RvR areas.
You will also see the most crossovers to other Fronts as the fighting shifts back and forth. In Tier 4 you’ll see the Rank 4 Morales in use and here the hardcore RvR guilds will really start to shine as the drives to the capitals begin. Now because of the recent changes there will be a lot of work involved to get to the capitals. Scenarios, Objectives, and Keeps will be dominated by one side or the other and the fighting will get quite intense at times. So I might as well warn you now.
Expect your PC to scream out in agony! While Mythic has very intentionally kept a lid on going crazy with the pixels there is only so much they can do. When you get hundreds, yes I said hundreds, of players trying to kill each other on your screen at the same time your frames per second will plummet. WAR holds up better than most online games I’ve seen but they have experience with this so it should. There just really comes a point where it just can’t keep up and to be honest I fully expect that the biggest battles will measure over a thousand players doing their best to kill each other despite the incredible lag they are causing. Honestly I’ll be right there in the middle of it too.
In Mythic’s defense they are doing a number of things to combat it. There will even be options to turn off the graphics from effects so you can ease your PC’s pain. Still I’m sure there is only so much that can be done. It’s just the nature of RvR when you get a ton of people online with egos that need to be propped up through digital carnage. I should know… I’m one of them!
On the Chapter side of the house you actually enter Tier 4 in Black Crag and run into Greenskin Chapter 15. From there you can head south to get to the zone’s Warcamp and Flight Master or move north for more Chapters and to enter the Cinderfall/Thunder Mountain/Death Peak triple zone which is basically two half zones, PvE, tacked onto the sides of the Thunder Mountain zone which has a huge RvR Lake dominating it. Last I checked you still have to use the RvR Lake in Kadrin Valley or Black Crag to enter the respective “Fortress” zones.
Basically the Fortress zones are your last obstacles to getting to the capitals. Yeah, I don’t agree with Mythic cutting out four capitals either but I understand why they did it. Currently, if you hold the enemy fortresses in two Fronts you can attack the capital of that faction, Altdorf or Inevitable City. This starts another series of stages and events where you can attack the enemy’s home town. Included in these are three brutal public quests, finishing the first two unlocks the third. Fabulous cash and prizes are yours to be had if you got the guts and skill to do it.
Well that was long but covers the progression side of the guide. Yeah it’s lacking in a lot of details but I’ve done that intentionally because we are still in Beta so a lot of can and probably will change. I am also not a believer in the “follow my footsteps” kind of guides since they can dilute the joy, and pain, of discovery if you already know the boss mob’s name, stats, and what his turn-ons turn-offs are.
As you progress through ranking you unlock additional skills beyond the four you begin with. You will get access to Abilities, Tactics, and Morales that will round out your character and make them a much more formidable threat on the battlefield. The following is a rough guide that will cover the basics for you. This does not include the unlocks you get from the Tome of Knowledge since those are surprises I will leave for you to discover…
Career Abilities
Throughout ranking your character you will often unlock new abilities. These abilities will be of various types. Some are attacks, some buffs, some debuffs, some will be passives, etc... etc... While you don’t have to “retrain” these abilities as you rank you will have to buy them when they are first unlocked.
Auto Attack
Core Ability
Rank 1
No cost
10 ft range
Instant cast
No cooldown
Default attack with melee or ranged weapon.
Path of Da’ Toughest
Rank 1
Action Points
5 ft range
Instant cast
No cooldown
Leads to Da’ Gud Plan
Slashes for damage and causes extra hate.
I stillz remembah dat time I picked up a choppa. Clobbered da’ first git I found right back into da’ ground. WAAAGH!!!
Here is where it all begins. Clobber is your best friend at first and you will use it a lot. In fact there are times when it feels like all you’ve done all day is hit that one freaking button. Don’t worry, it will pass as others open up but it will still be a good friend in case you need furniture moved or choose to focus on Da’ Toughest Mastery Path.
Lob Choppa
Core Ability
Rank 1
Action Points
5 – 65 ft range
1s cast
No cooldown
Basic throwing attack. May deal extra damage when hitting the back of the target.
When da gitz are to far to bash wit me choppa Iz lob it at dem.
The Black Orc is “not” a ranged class. However, when you need to pull a mob or remind that fleeing for their life Archmage that you are still on the hunt it’s nice to be able to reach out and touch someone. Even if it is just a tap on the shoulder. To be killed by Lob Choppa is a bit embarrassing too I hear.
Core Ability
Rank 1
No cost
No range
Instant cast
30s cooldown
Increases your speed for 10s but you lose AP, Morale, cannot regain AP until the 10s have expired.
I personally think Flee is not a good name for this ability. I think it should be named “Get There A Little Faster” instead. Unless you pop Flee right at the start of a fight and have a snare on them Flee doesn’t seem to do me any good in RvR. By the time you decide you probably shouldn’t still be there it is also usually too late to do anything about it. However when you are stuck legging it for the first two tiers Flee comes in very handy on the longer runs and I use it all the time.
Trip ‘Em Up
Path of Da’ Brawler
Rank 2
Action Points
5 ft range
Instant cast
5s cooldown
Requires Da’ Gud Plan
Leads to Da’ Best Plan
Damage over Time and Snare
Oh yeah, a snare and a DoT at Rank 2. Isn’t life grand? While not so big in PvE, snares make all the difference in the world in RvR. As a mostly single-target career you need that snare and damage over time to add a little horsepower to your generally poor dps, damage per second.
Skull Thumper
Path of Da’ Brawler
Rank 3
No cost
5 ft range
Instant cast
No cooldown
Requires Da’ Best Plan
Overhead attack
Dis iz it! I hurtz dem, tripz dem, den thumpz em.
Hmmm... Three abilities by Rank 3 and two of them are from Da’ Brawler? Yep, your first couple of levels might as well be called Da’ Brawler levels. Since this is what you’ll be using most. Plus with Skull Thumper at Rank 3 you can now do your first complete chain. Skull Thumper remains one of my favorite finishers.
Follow ‘Me Lead
Path of Da’ Boss
Rank 5
Action Points
5 ft range
Instant cast
No cooldown
Leads to Da’ Gud Plan
Deals damage and buffs Defensive target’s Weapon Skill. Yours if you don’t have a defensive target.
Never really used this one much because it didn’t do enough damage for my tastes and I never noticed much of a change from the skill buff. If you do use it you might want to make sure your defensive target is a melee toon.
Tuffer ‘n Nails
Path of Da’ Toughest
Rank 6
Action Points
5 ft range
Instant cast
No cooldown
Requires shield
Requires Da’ Gud Plan
Leads to Da’ Best Plan
Deals damage and buffs Armor
Oi! I likes ta bash ‘em wit me Blokka!
This one I use frequently when main tanking. The buff is nice and it also just looks satisfying to shoulder a shield into them.
Core Ability
Rank 7
Action Points
65 ft range
Instant cast
15s cooldown
Enrages opponent and forces mobs to target you. Cause you to deal extra damage against them.
Hallelujah! It is such a joy to finally get a taunt for those mobs. But to get one that cause extra damage from your attacks? I use this one constantly in PvE and RvR but its duration is short so I try to time it between Da’ Gud Plan and Da’ Best Plan so I can get the most out of my big hit and then my small hit. Don’t want to risk losing the boost for my big hit if there is a problem landing my middle ability.
Da Big Un’
Path of Da’ Boss
Rank 8
No Cost
10 ft range
Instant cast
No cooldown
Requires Great Weapon
Requires Da’ Best Plan
Deals damage to all targets in front of you.
This is a favorite of mine whenever I get into a pile-up in RvR. It gives me a chance to deal damage to multiple enemies and, therefore, get a bit of Renown for each above and beyond whatever gets parceled out among the group.
Right in Da Jibblies
Path of Da’ Toughest
Rank 9
Action Points
5 ft range
Instant cast
20s cooldown
Requires Da’ Gud Plan
Leads to Da’ Best Plan
Deals damage and reduces target’s Weapon Skill
Nuttin’ beddah dan sum stuntie puntin!
Doesn’t do as much damage as I would like it to nor do I really notice the skill debuff very often. But come on, it’s easily the best name for an ability I have ever seen in any game. It’s also the only kick ability the Black Orc’s get so I like to use it often just for looks.
Save Da Runts
Core Ability
Rank 10
No cost
150 ft range
Instant cast
No cooldown
Only useable on other players
Splits hate generated by and incoming damage to guarded player evenly between you as long as they remain within 30 ft of you.
Mighty useful in helping to keep your healers alive. In fact since this is your real “guard” you should always put it on the healers so you are getting some of their hate which helps keep the agro on you.
Hold The Line!
Core Ability
Rank 10
Action Points per Second
No range
Instant cast
60 cooldown
Requires shield
Increase Dodge and Disrupt chance for you and players behind you.
RvR fights are very fluid affairs so not sure about the utility of this one. It’s “channeled” though so you can’t move or it will end.
Get ‘Em
Core Ability
Rank 10
Action Points
No range
Instant cast
60s cooldown
Increases Action Point generation speed for your party.
Another one that squeezes a little extra Action Points out for you and your mates.
Deflect Oil
Core Ability
Rank 10
No cost
No range
Instant cast
5m cooldown
Reduces damage taken from Oil Siege Weapons for you and two others up to 1 ft away.
This is a “channeled” ability. What that means is you can’t move while it’s on or you’ll break the affect. With all the chaos going on at keep doors when enemy players defend it just doesn’t seem to do that much for me. Since you can’t use while manning the ram it just doesn’t seem to do me much good.
Wot armor?
Path of Da’ Brawler
Rank 12
Action Points
5 ft range
Instant cast
No cooldown
Leads to Da’ Gud Plan
Damages, reduces target armor, and is stackable.
This has become my favorite opener to be honest. It’s stackable and is a great way to make your finisher hit for more.
Savin’ Me Hide
Path of Da’ Toughest
Rank 16
No cost
5 ft range
Instant cast
No cooldown
Requires Da’ Best Plan
Deals damage and increases toughness.
Good for the Main Tank in PvE. I’ve tried it in RvR a few times and it just didn’t decrease the incoming damage enough to justify it in my opinion.
Core Ability
Rank 18
Action Points
No range
Instant cast
60s cooldown
Removes all snaring, rooting, stunning, and disarming effects.
A lifesaver when trying to keep up with those running squishies dropping roots.
Big Slash
Path of Da’ Brawler
Rank 18
Action Points
5 ft range
Instant cast
No cooldown
Requires Da’ Gud Plan
Leads to Da’ Best Plan
Damages to two targets up to 10 ft away.
This one is nice to use in RvR pile-ups when you want to spread the damage a little.
Core Ability
Rank 20
Action Points
No range
Instant cast
30s cooldown
Taunts all opponents in front of you causing them to deal less damage to anyone other than you.
This is it. My favorite ability for RvR. I use this constantly in Scenarios. Anything to help reduce the damage they are doing to anyone but me is a good thing. It’s also your only pure AoE taunt so use it you git!
Where You Going?
Core Ability
Rank 30
Action Points
No range
Instant cast
60s cooldown
Target is rooted
Iz yu stuck stuntie? Heah, letz see if Iz can pry yous out… wit me Choppa!
Another favorite of mine. Great to see the bobbers and weavers frozen and waiting for my choppa.
Modify War Engine
Core Ability
Rank 30
No cost
5 ft range
3s cast
5m cooldown
Decreases cooldown of Siege Engines
Nice to decrease the timer but I usually find that I don’t use it much.
Big Swing
Path of Da’ Boss
Rank 35
Action Points
10 ft range
Instant cast
No cooldown
Requires Da’ Gud Plan
Leads to Da’ Best Plan
Damages targets up to 10 ft away and debuff’s strength.
Another nice one to help spread the pain, and your chances for Renown, around.
Shut Yer Face
Path of Da’ Boss
Rank 40
Action Points
5 ft range
Instant cast
20s cooldown
Requires Da’ Best Plan
Deals damage and silences target.
The nemesis of nukers and healers everywhere. Very handy in RvR when you are trying to stop them from popping heals.
Core Ability
Rank 40
No cost
5 ft range
Instant cast
5m cooldown
Only useable on Keep Doors
Repair over time for keep door
A useful way to keep those keep doors up when Order comes knocking.
Career Tactics
Love them or hate them Tactics can make a big difference on the battlefield. Using the right ones for the situation at hand makes a world of difference. They can change a fight from a “what the hell happened” defeat to a fun and challenging victory. There are actually three types of Tactics: Career, Renown, and Tome. Career you get through leveling and spending points in a Mastery Path. Renown you get through spending points at a Renown Trainer. Tome tactics are “unlocked” by certain events and actions. You start with three slots, one for each. As you rank you get more slots so you can have more tactics active at the same time.
I’m Da Biggest!
Rank 11
Increases your Wounds
Not a bad buff, not a bad buff at all to have and it’s available early on.
Focused Offense
Rank 13
Deal more damage, generate less hate, take more damage.
This tactic rocks, period, end of story, that’s the way it is. This is the tactic that pushes you near MDPS territory. I use it often in PvE and RvR because it lets you deal out more damage. Even though you take more damage in return you still have the mitigation of a tank which helps you stay alive longer. The only times I don’t use this tactic is when I’m up against focus fire in RvR, like Scenarios, or main tanking in PvE.
‘Ave Another One
Rank 15
Follow ‘me Lead deals additional damage over time.
Don’t Bother Me None
Rank 17
Increases Spirit resistance
Spirit Resist buffing would help against incoming Spirit type damage but does nothing for Corporeal or Elemental damage.
Rank 19
Increases Toughness
Lookin’ For Opp’tunity
Rank 21
Clobber removes some of targets morale.
If you use clobber a lot, you should be putting points into Path of Da’ Toughest then, this is a good way to help keep them from firing off Morales.
Stab You Gooder
Rank 23
Critical hits deal more damage.
Another way to help push your DPS into what would have been Choppa range.
Rank 25
Enemy mobs hate you more.
If you Main Tank in Mount Gunbad you better be using this. Champions are hard on squishies.
Good Wif Shield
Rank 27
Increases chance to block when using shield.
Unstoppable Juggernaut
Rank 29
Reduces Juggernauts cooldown
Dat Was Great!
Rank 31
Increases Wot Armor? Duration and stacks it twice
Oi! Git face! ‘And me dat can opener!
Really like Wot Armor? Then this is a handy tactics to use.
Youz see me blok' dat'?!
Rank 33
Whenever you block you get extra morale
Bring ‘Em On
Rank 35
Makes Da’ Best Plan available when you Parry
While this sounds good it can mess up your “flow” when you are used to chaining.
Rank 37
War Bellows now deal damage to your target.
Can Youz Hear Me Now?
Rank 39
Increases damage and reduces cooldown for Shut Yer Face
If you are going to focus on smacking squishies around, then this will help you use it more often.
Career Morales
For me these are my hardest skills to use since by the time they become available I have either almost killed the enemy or I’m just about dead. These usually only become a factor during tanking bosses or RvR battles. Remember to “always” use them though. They are not IWIN buttons but they can make a huge difference in PvE and RvR. I would be hard pressed to find Beta Vets that don’t know to use Morales as often as they can. The only big choice is whether to use a weaker Level 1 Morale or save up for a bigger one, gambling you’ll still alive to use it.
Demolishing Strike
Rank 8
Level 1
5 ft range
Instant cast
60s cooldown
Damage over time and reduces target’s armor.
Dey feelz it wen I ‘itz dem wit dis!
A nice DoT that I use a lot in both PvE and RvR.
Shield Wall
Rank 12
Level 2
No range
Instant cast
60s cooldown
Increases chance to block.
Rank 16
Level 1
5 ft range
Instant cast
60s cooldown
Snares your target and you.
While this one may sound good I never really used it much myself. It just doesn’t last long enough for me to slot it normally.
Rank 20
Level 2
65 ft range
Instant cast
60s cooldown
Repeatedly attacks all enemies in front of you.
A good one for RvR. Its cone attack means you can even hit healers hiding behind the line so is a great way to get more Renown.
Distracting Bellow
Rank 24
Level 3
100 ft range
Instant cast
60s cooldown
Reduces target’s, and enemies near it, damage.
Quit Yer Squabblin’
Rank 28
Level 1
No range
Instant cast
60s cooldown
Everyone in party gains additional chance to parry and dodge.
Deafening Bellow
Rank 32
Level 2
30 ft range
Instant cast
60s cooldown
Silences all targets within certain distance.
Walk it off!
Rank 36
Level 3
No range
Instant cast
60s cooldown
Everyone in party gains additional toughness.
Immaculate Defense
Rank 40
Level 4
65 ft range
Instant cast
60s cooldown
Reduces incoming damage for you and party members
Career War Bellows
War Bellows are the Black Orc’s passives. Basically they are buffs that stay up, once activated, until you are killed. They are not group buffs, they only apply to you, but they can make a significant difference in your performance.
Da Biggest!
Path of Da’ Brawler
Rank 4
Action Points
No range
Instant cast
No cooldown
Attacks have a chance of increasing your strength.
Dis iz da’ WAAAGH!!!
Da Greenest!
Path of Da’ Boss
Rank 14
Action Points
No range
Instant cast
No cooldown
Attacks have a chance of increasing your resists.
Da Toughest!
Path of Da’ Toughest
Rank 25
Action Points
No range
Instant cast
No cooldown
Attacks have a chance of activating shield that absorbs some damage.
The Black Orc has three Mastery Paths available, Path of Da’ Brawler, Path of Da’ Toughest, and Path of Da’ Boss. Each has a different focus and the following will go into details on what each path provides.
Path of Da’ Brawler
This path focuses on increasing your dps and can even get you near the damage range of the MDPS careers like the Marauder if you use the right tactics. If you focus here you will have a harder time tanking in PvE but will do better, usually, in RvR and soloing in PvE.
Keep It Goin’!
3 Points
Increases damage from Big Slash and reduces cost
Arm Breaka
5 Points
Action Points
5 ft range
Instant cast
10s cooldown
Leads to Da’ Gud Plan
Deals damage to and removes action points from target.
A nice way to help keep your enemy from firing off his more expensive abilities.
Gork Smash!
7 Points
Increases Critical Hit chance
Increase critical hit chance when in Da’ Gud Plan and even more when in Da’ Best Plan? Oh baby, I think I’m in love.
Down Ya Go
9 Points
Action Points
5 ft range
Instant cast
20s cooldown
Requires Great Weapon
Requires Da’ Best Plan
Damages target and chance of knockdown
Where ya fink yuz goin’?
Use this in RvR a lot, great for interrupting healing healers and stop them from running too. A great Da’ Best Plan follow up for Trip ‘Em Up since, if it lands, it’s a guaranteed knockdown.
An Bestest!
11 Points
Da Biggest! increases groups strength
Have not tried this one but apparently when your Da Biggest! War Bellow procs it buffs the whole party’s strength. Not that useful for the Shamans and Zealots in your group.
T’ree Hit Combo
13 Points
No cost
5 ft range
Instant cast
20s cooldown
Requires Da’ Best Plan
Damages target every second for three seconds
Once… t’ice… t’ree times a choppa...
Does a healthy chunk of damage but takes to long in my opinion. Still it does look cool as hell though.
Puddle o Muck
15 Points
Level 4
65 ft range
Instant cast
60s cooldown
Damages all targets in front of you and snares them
Oh yeah, now this is the way to spread the pain and renown gain. Of course staying alive long enough to use it is rare in RvR.
Path of Da’ Toughest
The default path for tanking it mostly focuses on increasing survivability. This focuses even more on “outlasting” the opposition in PvE and RvR. It’s also an excellent way to PvE when in parties or warbands.
Less Stabbin’ Me
3 Points
Increases chance to block and parry when in Da’ Gud Plan and even more when in Da’ Best Plan
Ya Missed Me
5 Points
Action Points
5 ft range
Instant cast
20s cooldown
Requires Block
Leads to Da’ Gud Plan
Deals damage and reduces target’s damage
Hurts them and reduces the hurt coming in? Yep, big one for tanking. Biggest downside though is it is only available when you block an attack.
Stop Hittin’ Da Runts
7 Points
Gain Action Points when Savin Da Runts target is attacked
Not in da face!
9 Points
No cost
5 ft range
Instant cast
20s cooldown
Requires Da’ Best Plan
Deals damage and increases target’s cooldowns
A great way to slow down the target’s abilities and, of course, reduces the amount of incoming damage and debuffs.
Mor’ Hardcore
11 Points
Right in Da Jibblies and Not in Da Face now knockback when used.
This is your only knockback as a Black Orc.
Can’t Hit Me!
13 Points
Action Points per Second
No range
Instant cast
No cooldown
Requires shield
Increases chance to block, deals damage when you block, and allows you to still move while active.
Certain skills require you to “concentrate” or “channel” when using them. This basically means you can’t move. If you do your ability ends “prematurely.” Stop snickering over there. Any skill that lets you still move while it’s on is a good one.
Can’t Touch Us
15 Points
Level 4
No range
Instant cast
60s cooldown
Requires shield
Party gains actions points and absorb damage
Path of Da’ Boss
This is a path that I have honestly not experimented with much. It’s more of a group support role though it appears to have some interesting differences. This path seems to be a more useful for RvR instead of PvE.
You Got Nuffin’
3 Points
You can no longer be detaunted
We’z Bigger
5 Points
Action Points
5 ft range
Instant cast
20s cooldown
Requires Da’ Gud Plan
Leads to Da’ Best Plan
Deals damage and buffs armor of party members who are within 20 feet.
Anything to help the squishies last a little longer is a good thing though they have to be near to get the buff.
Big Brawlin’
7 Points
Big Swing has chance to snare and disorient
Adding a chance to snare and disorient to a cone AoE attack? Yummy!
Rock ‘Ard
9 Points
Action Points
5 ft range
Instant cast
10s cooldown
Requires Da’ Gud Plan
Leads to Da’ Best Plan
Deals damage and absorbs damage
An okay effect that takes the sting out of incoming damage but doesn’t handle as much as I would like it too.
No Choppin’ Me
11 Points
Follow ‘me Lead will buff Black Orc and party members within 30 feet
13 Points
No cost
5 ft range
Instant cast
5s cooldown
Requires Da’ Best Plan
Deals damage to all targets within 30 ft and reduces targets resistance
This right here is a good reason to chose this path if you RvR. Black Orc’s can have problems keeping up in the renown department and this helps a hell of a lot.
Yer Nothin
15 Points
Level 4
No range
Instant cast
60s cooldown
Deals damage to all targets within 30 ft reduces their morale
Beyond the skills you get from ranking you also get points for renown ranking. These points can be spent at Renown Trainers to get Renown Achievements. They are either passive buffs or tactics that have a variety of different focuses. Last I checked there were over sixty of them so if you expect me to list them all out for you too? Remember that ocean property in The Badlands? Well, I’m having a sale. They take up Renown slots instead of Career slots in your tactic’s sets so you are not loosing anything by picking up some.
There are also tactics that can be unlocked through the Tome of Knowledge. I’m not listing them out either because it just so happens that I am a cruel, and lazy, bastard. Or consider it part of my efforts to maintain the “mystery.” Though my wife would say the cruel, and lazy, part is more accurate.
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Monday, 6 October 2008
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