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Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Small Talisman Crafting Guide Part 1

POST BY so1dier
Rarity of item:

Fragment - This is the most important piece when crafting talismans. This is the determining factor on what the rarity of your talisman with be.

Using a level 1 rare fragment will be the same as using a level 75 in the sense that they will both have the same chance to be a rare talisman on creation. The level effects what your bonus stats will end up as.

Rarity of fragments/talismans effects the length of time that the talisman will last when socketed into gear. (The time length is measure by actual game time played).

White = 8h (8 hours)
Uncommon = 2d (2 days)
Rare = 5d (5 days)
Very Rare = (Unlimited)
Mythic(?) = (?)

It also effects what range of +stats you will end up with.

White starts at ~ +2
Uncommon starts at ~ +5
Rare starts at ~ +8
Very rare starts at ~ +11
Mythic(?) starts at ~ (?)

(Stats will go up or down depending on what level materials you use)

Ex. Using an uncommon fragment will create an uncommon talisman. Using a rare fragment will create a rare talisman. (There may be a small chance that a gem will be a higher rarity on creation, but I'm not sure yet).

Gold Essence - (Unsure of how rarity of this item effects the outcome of the talisman. I'm guessing it increases the stability guaranteeing that a rare fragment will create a rare talisman. It might also increase the chance that an uncommon fragment could turn into a rare talisman, a rare fragment could turn into a very rare talisman, etc.)

Curio - (Unsure of how rarity of this item effects the outcome of the talisman. I'm guessing it increases the stability guaranteeing that a rare fragment will create a rare talisman. It might also increase the chance that an uncommon fragment could turn into a rare talisman, a rare fragment could turn into a very rare talisman, etc.)

Magical Essence - (Unsure of how rarity of this item effects the outcome of the talisman. I'm guessing it increases the stability guaranteeing that a rare fragment will create a rare talisman. It might also increase the chance that an uncommon fragment could turn into a rare talisman, a rare fragment could turn into a very rare talisman, etc.)

Req. Talisman Level of Items:

Fragment, Gold Essence, Curio, Magical Essence - The level Req. for these items comes in intervals of 25.


The higher level items you use the more powerful the talisman will be(+stat wise).

This is indicated by the bar on the right hand screen of the talisman making window. As you insert higher level items the bar will raise more and more. It does not raise by rarity.
(This may be a set number meaning if you reach certain percentages of the bar you may get an increase in a set number of stats)
(This could be added up and tested with an organized chart)


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