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Thursday, 9 October 2008

WAR Guide on Shadow Warriors Part 3

*Added 9/28/08:
As for which stats, being a die-hard theorist, I use the point equivalency system. How I do this is simple, I value each stat as 1 EP (Equivalency Point):

1.25 Ballistic = 1 EP
1 Toughness = 1 EP
0.75 Weapon Skill = 1 EP
0.75 Wounds = 1 EP
0.50 Initiative = 1 EP
10 Resistance = 1 EP

Then, I take the item or items in consideration, and tally up their EP Totals, and that will decide which item I prefer for me. You can and should adjust the above numbers to your own personal desires and needs. If you find you rarely go in close-combat, maybe more weapon skill less toughness? Its all up to you. That's how I rate my stats, but I'd advise you make your own chart, as well as amending it after you see which stats you feel are lacking or too heavy on.

--------------- * Important * ---------------
While I could discuss the Stances way more than I'm going to, I feel the biggest learning tool is experience. Every minute you spend playing a Shadow Warrior, you will understand more and more about the benefits and details of each Stance for each situation. I encourage you aspiring Shadow Warriors to kill every monster differently, with different skill rotations. Switch up your stances often, even when it isn't even necessary, merely for the sake of getting a feel for each stance. Get use to which stance can use which skills. Get a feel for what each stance's main damage rotations are, as well as their escape techniques. No, Skirmish Stance isn't necessarily always the best escape Stance. The above mentioned technique is the best advice I can give you all. Practice always has and always will be the best way to reach full potential.

If I have left you unsatisfied, then this next part is for you. I won't evaluate and discuss every skill that every stance has. I will simply point out some good-to-know information that you'd probably figure out on your own. However, some things are good to note. Let's go in order based on the Mastery list, and start with...

Scout Stance
- Ideal for situations where you can find yourself a safe and distant spot to perch and spam. Elevate yourself. Use the landscape to Line of Sight enemy ranged DPS. Always keep an eye out for incoming melee dps, as Scout Stance is not an ideal stance to get caught in. Needless to say, you can still use both your aoe snare and ranged snare, as well as your detaunt.
- Potential for most damage overall, in terms of scenarios. When it comes to your ranged AoE DoT's, nothing deals more numbers faster. Note that if you choose to obtain Glass Arrow in the Scout Mastery, it can be used in any stance. Flame Arrow requires Scout Stance. Note their max range of 80ft, versus the typical 100ft or 65ft ranges for our class.
- Can obtain the class' hardest hitting nuke, Festering Arrow. While it appears that the number is indeed higher than the BW/Sorc equivalent, since BW/Sorcs can crit quite often and for double the crit damage of a normal crit, it tips in their favor. A good thing to note is that it is Corporeal damage, so it bypasses standard armor but is affected by Corp Resistance instead.
- Has the class' silence, so use it wisely and whenever it is up!
- Also contains a potential, but not so frequent, Healing Reduction ability. (Only while Vengeful.) I wouldn't make that such a deciding factor, as it is deep in the Mastery and only has the Healing Reduction effect when vengeful once every 3 minutes.

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