These are more about opinions than facts
Phantom's Blade: This is my every enchant. With the points I spent into Vaul, it's 303 damage shield. If the RNG gods love you, you can keep this and Vaul's Buffer up all the time
Nature's Blade: This enchant is too random for my liking. Sure, if you get +100 Strength it's god damn amazing. However, I've seen myself get +100 Intelligence and Willpower more than Strength or Weapon Skill. This is for some, but not for me
Heaven's Blade: Other than I'm hearing resists are buggy as all hell, the amount of resistance lowered doesn't add up to a 300 damage shield (again, in my opinion). If you feel as if the damage gained is better than a damage shield, feel free to use it
As for Morales, I suggest using Demolishing Strike as R1 because sometimes Champion's Challenge bugs with the lag, and I get rooted away from them, out of melee range. Also, in the likely event someone punts them away from me, I'm still rooted; a sitting duck if you will. Guard of Steel is also acceptable, since survivability for your healers is something they'd love to have
R2, use Wings of Heaven. This is amazing for catching runners, or picking off the healers in the back. I don't like using Raze because I have to stay in one spot, leaving myself open for RDPS to hit like a piñata
R3 use Bladeshield. It's not only another damage shield, but it deals damage back to those pesky MDPS classes. Witch Elves light up after I hit it. Distracting Blow is alright if you want to be more support
R4, use Immaculate Defense. No other viable options
Tactics: Ensorcelled Agony, Rugged, Winds' Force, and Vaul's Buffer
EA, plain obvious
Rugged, since I'm going two handed swords, I need every last survivability tool I can get
Winds' Force, if you feel as if Unstoppable Juggernaut is something you cannot live without, take the point out of this and throw it into Vaul to fill the tree
Vaul's Buffer is what keeps me alive, and gives me the ability to get the last hit in to kill them. This with Wall of Darting Steel is a god send
Rotation: Taunt, then Ensorcelled Blow, Intimidating Blow (Or Eagle's Flight vs. Melee), Dragon's Talon (or Crushing Wave when you feel it's needed). I use Gusting Winds when I have a ton of melee on me. Use it wisely, or there will be a lot of angry Bright Wizards

I don't feel Dazzling Strike fits anywhere in the rotation, but it deserves a note of approval. Use this against anyone for a massive drop in DPS and HPS
At level 40, Wall of Darting Steel is your best friend. 50% Parry, Dodge, and Disrupt is the best thing for survivability. Another thing to keep in mind is Taunt is an interrupt. Use it as one if the situation warrants it
Finally, the best piece of advice I can give to anyone that uses a two handed sword is, and I've stated this in a previous thread,"Don't see death as a 5 year old girl sees a bug. You will die, it happens. However, seeing chains of 300 followed by 700 white crits is too much of a sight for me to give up"
Remember my creed: "I may be going down, but I'm taking the lot of you with me"
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