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Saturday, 25 October 2008

Witch Elf Guide Part 2

Tactic Choices
Kiss Of Doom - <3,>Flanking – Great for both dungeons (or any group pve) and RVR, and indeed any situation where you can get behind an enemy, 15% is quite a nice chunk of damage. I’d say this is probably a must have unless your solo grinding, in which case its not so good (just about useless infact)

Sharpened Edge – I think this procs before the finisher goes ahead, in which case it’s a nice dps boost for finishers, especially ruthless assault (since it procs from each hit). Never used it myself, but I hear decent things at least.

Brute Force – Dps increase, good to have, I think it gives like 32 dps increase on specials, 16 on autoattacks. So that’s like… 45 damage increase to most skills.

Swift Blades – Might be useful for aoe farming when combined with riposte, cant really see a use in group pve and while rvring, but for soloing I can see it could have its uses. Especially as carnage while aoe farming.

Septic Blade – Sure, it decreases the amount of damage the enemy your attacking is going to be doing, but in rvr, how much dps do you think that bright wizard your stabbing in the spleen is going to be doing anyway? Could be nice for group pve with mobs that hit the tank exceptionally hard. (Bilerot anyone?)

Swift Pursuit – Heard it was bugged so never bothered to use it, would be good if fleet footed actually worked too. For 1v1 this would be great, but if your 1v1ing in this game your probably going to win quite easily anyway, or your doing something wrong. (at least imo)

Healers Bane – Could be quite nice, pity most people would never use envenomed blade as their main attack ever, might be good for a game with no bright wizards (since most witch elves go for bright wiz before healers). Cant imagine giving up on masterful treachery for it though.

Swift Movements – Heard this sometimes bugs out, cant see it being hugely useful, would only be useful if your attacking melee who are on you constantly, which means your probably doing something wrong.

Baneful Touch – Could be useful for group pve, but I cant imagine giving up other tactics for it. If anyone has any experience with this post, it might be really good, never know.

Masterful treachery – This is a little beauty. Get the drop on someone and your going to be doing some crazy damage, definitely enough to drop most targets pretty fast. Might just be coincidence but I notice doing a lot better with this tactic as opposed to without it.

Sacrificed Rewarded – Solo pve and if your playing very very defensive in RVR (doing something wrong again prolly)

Broad Severing – Aoe grinding, or if the other team has a lot of melee focusing you, can you imagine disarming those 6 melee attacking you? That’d be schweet.

Taste of blood – Solo pve is where I can see this being pretty good. Not much else though.

Bathing blood – Doesn’t give enough health to realllly warrant it over other things for solo pve, and it wouldn’t be useful anywhere else. (maybe a use for that wisdom gear mythic keeps giving us?!!)

For the hag queen – So people are telling me that this isnt bugged, and that it has a chance to proc from all hits of a relentless strikes. Could be good for lower levels but at higher levels youve probably allready got another stun which will kick up unstoppable, which i think will stop this from working. If anyone knows if knockdowns/stuns are both affected/start unstoppable or not, please post.

Exotic venom – Very rarely would the extra 5 seconds kill someone, they’re either dispelled or dead by 10 seconds in at the latest, can only think of one situation where the extra 5 seconds would have killed someone, and he died anyway from some random sorc.

Riposte – Could be good for aoe solo farming? Almost useless for rvr, if your being beaten on, that extra tiny bit of damage isn’t really going to win it for you, unless your going 1v1 with someone.

Alignment of naggaroth – Garbage

Jagged Edge – If this scales with strength it might ok for group pve… maybe, but I doubt it.

Dark Blessings
– Could be useful with a healbot or three.

Frenzied mayhem – Couple this with Increased Pain and it could be quite useful to just sit at 5 bloodlust forever to keep 15% extra crit going? See what you guys think.

Whirling Blades – Great for carnage solo pve imo, get to that ruthless assault faster. I tend to be swimming in bloodlust anyway as suff/treach so I don’t really see a use for it, any carnage specced people want to testify?

Increased Pain – Extra burst dps, who can go wrong?

All that being said, currently im running with brute force, flanking, masterful treachery, and Kiss of Doom. This provides me with some very nasty burst damage to take down a target once I pop on them. For carnage specced I’d suggest instead of masterful treachery (which you wont have) use Increased Pain, get some hefty big crits. After all, the aim of a witch elf is to burst people down before they can react, hehe.

Morale Abilities.
Mostly just gonna say that Confusing movements > Sever nerve, that is all. 1200 damage at level 40 really isn’t that much when you can get heartseeker crit’ for like 1300 without Increased pain, and 7 seconds where your immune to physical (or very nearly) is a godsend when your being focused, like Elixir of the Cauldron, wasting the other teams action points and more importantly, time. Note, to parry an attack you have to be facing the attacker, you cant parry or dodge an attack coming from behind, this means you cant activate this ability and turn tail and flee and expect to live, you’ve got to sidestrafe or backpedal away from the enemy(s) for it to work.

I use web of shadows for rank 2 morale, since we run with a magus, and its nice to help with the aoe’ing down of the enemy team, hehe.

Broad swings, does more aoe damage than web of shadows unless you only hit the enemy 4 or less times (waste of a morale then) or if there’s a hell of a lot of enemies. Great for nuking down packs of champs (since they normally come in 3’s). Don’t think I’ve ever used this in RVR. Its very situational is all I can say for RVR.

Play style.
Personally I play like a guerrilla warrior, coming in from the sides, nuking down a bright wizard, and running back to my lines to protect the healers/ranked until my stealth comes up again. I’m not saying this is the best way to play, but I will say I hate suicide witch elves, you know, the ones that go in, try to kill as many as possible and die, respawn and repeat. Some people may say this helps the team more than what I’m doing, and if you can get down 2 enemies before you die you may be right, but while your running back you can be picked off and you cant do anything to protect or work with the rest of your team.

Also, these suicide witch elves tend to not know that once the enemy gets away, there’s not much chance that you’re going to be able to kill them. Sometimes its better to run away, pop a cauldron to absorb the enemy fire and waste their time, and then go again in a few seconds, than to spend a minute running back to the fight and giving the enemy points.

The way I see things, melee are mostly there to break the enemy lines and mop them up when they are breaking and running. Ranged are there to kill enemy melee and push the enemy back through concentrated fire (forcing the enemy backwards), and tanks/healers are there to hold the line in place. If you go in and kill an enemy, then run back to your lines, chances are their entire team is going to be focus firing you into the dirt, by running early, you have a much higher chance of getting back into my lines where you have the ranged dps to cover you and the enemy team has just wasted 10 seconds of their time trying to nuke down someone who didn’t die. This gives your team more time to kill or CC a couple more of their players. Hell, even if you don’t kill one (very rare against pugs), you’re still absorbing fire, and giving your team time. You know how annoying it is when that bright wizard gets out of your reach? That’s what you’ll be doing to them.

Part 1... ...Part 3

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