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Saturday, 25 October 2008

Witch Elf Guide Part 3

Target Priority.
This will vary from player to player, from mastery to mastery, but I think I can safely say KILL THOSE DAMN BRIGHT WIZARDS. These guys will pump out so much dps its incredible, and they go down fast, what’s not to love about sticking a dagger into their back. For example, say the enemy team consists of 2 bright wizards, 2 healers, an engineer, some people would go for the healers, leaving the bright wizards free to cc you, burn you etc… while the healer (if hes decent) will probably get away. Going for the bright wizard will probably mean that he will be doing damage to himself while running from you, hes probably squishier, he will probably not get heals until a few seconds after the healer would have given them to himself if you’d jumped him (since he wont notice straight away the bright wiz has been targeted), and most of all, he wont be able to dps you back. Killing dps as a witch elf is what you should be doing, sure you can kill healers, but that means you’ll go down faster, and hence have less chance of killing one, killing all the enemy’s dps and their line will crumble, without much retaliation. Killing a healer will mean that their line can still crumble, but will be doing a lot more dps to your team while they are crumbling. TLDR – killing their dps is a lot safer.

Stupid things to stay away from
Running in by yourself. The amount of times per game I see some random magus or sorc try to take on 10 people by yourself, its just stupid, your feeding the other team points, while reducing your own impact on the game. Don’t try to be a hero, that’s the tanks job to charge in first, because they can soak the damage. Try to time your charges for when your team has melee in with the enemy. This should make your chances of being focused a lot lower, since people wont notice you as easily (noticing one melee is harder than noticing the witch elf in three melee). Also, you’ll have backup meaning that the targets should go down faster. If your running with a team, the tank chucking guard on you, and snaring your target will make nuking it down so much faster.

Realise that healers don’t automatically notice you. If your behind the healer, they probably wont notice you as fast as if your in front of them. Yeah, there are some bad healers that don’t seem to notice you at all, but think of it from a healers perspective. There could be 5 people on your team all at 10% hp, if you pop a pot to live and the healer keeps as many of the 5 people getting hurt up as possible, he can hot you up after they’re out of damage and instead there’s more people alive at the end. Also, the other side of it, you stayed in far too long and got gibbed by 10 people focus firing you and you had no chance, take this with a grain of salt and respawn and move on, think to yourself, could I have popped my abilities better to allow the damage I took to be lower, and give my healers a chance to heal me? Could I have gotten out earlier to avoid the burst? Was I running in without support? Then again, if you get two dots on yourself, nobody else in your team is taking damage and you stand right in front of the healer and he lets you die, feel free to call him whatever you want.

Tips and tricks
These may not be classified as tricks or whatever, but I’m hoping that people will reply with their own tricks/tips so I can add them to the guide.

Popping a cauldron early – If your trying to stop damage taken completely (i.e. you don’t have a healer) popping the cauldron as you think the enemys will start to chuck their dots on you etc… i.e. where you think they have noticed you, chuck it up, I think ive had more than 50 spells disrupted by the one cauldron before, when 9 odd people started spamming me with dots only to see them all disrupted. Now, if you do have a healer, realise that you can time the cauldron differently, your job with a healer is to reduce the burst damage you take, as to make yourself more healable, but also to bring attention to yourself in that you will need healing soon. Using the cauldron after you have a few dots up, means that your taking stable damage, its not high enough to not be healed through, but it lets the healer know to heal you, this also means that once the cauldron runs out, you will have hots/heals incoming and are more likely to be healed through it.

Openers from Stealth
Protip: Openers from stealth (Enfeeble Strike, Treacherous Assault, Vehement Blades) do not invoke the GCD, so it is wise to bind your most often used ability directly out of stealth to the same hotkey as your most often used opener. This allows you to spam your opener and get another hit and bloodlust in simultaneously with your opener. This is great for either getting up a quick kiss/healing debuff, or to stun/throat slitter them to scare them right from the start. - Thanks Qpon

On the respawn run or getting back into the fight
After respawning and running back to the engagement zone you see an IB/Lion/SM deep in your lines, quickly throw a few hits at them for bloodlust before going off to look for a squishy. If carnage spec, feel free to pop a CoIP and you have quite a high chance of bursting them down. - Thanks lxyao

Feel free to reply, ill be updating this as much as possible

Cerberias of Darklands.
.....Part 2

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